
Ski feverI am not a real working-tax-paying person (yet): I am a grad student living in Vancouver struggling to fund my athletic career in karate. Learning about RNA structure prediction algorithms by day and working on my spinning head kicks by night,  I get pretty hungry! And nothing tastes better than a homemade meal to a drained brain and depleted muscles.

It so happens that my most productive procrastination method is to spend hours in the kitchen, devising an elaborate recipe using the various vegetables I picked from my local Asian grocery store. I want to experiment with different flavors, sauces, and mixing sweet with savory. My cooking is probably the only reason my roommate loves me, especially given the fact that there is often “Beast Mode” by B.o.B. blasting in my room along with frequent banging/boxing on the wall.

I used to think that people write blogs because they have no one to talk to and want to share their life with the world (or the internet) even if no one is listening.

Blogging is more like keeping a diary with a heavy filter on the boring parts of your life. More importantly, for me it’s about keeping a humorous record of my culinary explorations

Here is a little poem:

Cook, blend, stir,

Cut, brew, simmer.

taste, lick, sip!

2 responses to “About

  1. Cook for me, please and thank you! 🙂
    Like the blog. Ought to post something about good eats when on the go, especially for in between training events


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